Nóra Chronowski

Nóra Chronowski
Download CV Research Professor (MTA TK JTI)
Research Interests
  • Constitutional law 
  • Constitutional theory 
  • Comparative and EU constitutional law 
  • Human rights law, global constitutionalism 
  • Business & human rights
Selected Publications
  • Chronowski, Nóra – Bárd, Petra – Fleck, Zoltán: Chapter 33 – Use, misuse and abuse of constitutional identity in Europe, in Mark Tushnet and Dimitry Kochenov (eds.), Research Handbook on the Politics of Constitutional Law. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2023. (776 p.) pp. 612-634.
  • Chronowski, Nóra: Business meets human rights: do we need an international treaty to close the gap? in Csongor István Nagy (ed.), Global Values and International Trade Law, Routledge, London 2022, pp. 9–25.
  • Chronowski Nóra – Vincze Attila: The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Central European University Case: Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied: Decision of the Hungarian Constitutional Court of 6 July 2021 and the Judgment of the ECJ of 6 October 2020, Case C-66/18 (co-author: Attila Vincze). European Constitutional Law Review (17) 2021/4. 688–706. Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/S1574019621000407
  • Chronowski, Nóra: Human Rights in a Multilevel Constitutional Area. Global, European and Hungarian Challenges. L’Harmattan, Paris 2018. p. 249
  • Chronowski, Nóra, Márton Varju, Petra Bárd and Gábor Sulyok: Hungary: Constitutional (R)evolution or Regression? In National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law – National Reports (eds. Anneli Albi and Samo Bardutzky), print ISBN 978-94-6265-272-9, e-book ISBN 978-94-6265-273-6, T.M.C. Asser Press, The Hague 2019. 1439-1488.
  • Chronowski, Nóra: Fully Binding EU Bill of Rights for the Member States – A Potential Tool in Constitutional Crisis Management. In New Developments in Constitutional Law. Essays in Honour of András Sajó (eds. Iulia Motoc, Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque, Krzysztof Wojtyczek). Eleven International Publishing, The Hague 2018. 41-57.
  • Chronowski, Nóra and Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz: The Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Financial Crisis. (58) Acta Juridica Hungarica: Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies 2017/2. 139-154.
  • Chronowski, Nóra and Márton Varju: Two Eras of Hungarian Constitutionalism: From the Rule of Law to Rule by Law. 8 Hague Journal on the Rule Law 2016 (October) 1–19, doi:10.1007/s40803-016-0037-7
  • Chronowski, Nóra: The new Hungarian Fundamental Law in the light of the European Union’s normative values. Revue Est Europa – 2012 numéro spéciale 1, pp. 111-142;  
  • Chronowski, Nóra and László Blutman: Hungarian Constitutional Court: Keeping Aloof from European Union Law. International Constitutional Law Vol. 5, 2011/3, pp 329-348; also available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1961034


Research Projects
  • 2024-2026. PI of research project on The decision-making of the Hungarian Constitutional Court between 1990-2026 – an empirical analysis financed by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Found
  • 2023-2024. Participant in the LighT-project: Litigating change: training lawyers on the EU rule of law acquis, 101046313 — LighT — JUST-2021-JTRA with Centre for European Constitutional Law (CECL) – trainer and author of teaching materials
  • 2018-2021. K-128796, The Normative Content of the Principle of Democracy – In Practice and Theory from a Constitutional Law and European Union Law Perspective, NKFI (National Research, Development and Innovation) project (HU), role: PI
  • 2016-2019, Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Science, research project: Globalization, Europeanisation, Human Rights Protection
  • 2014-2019. ‘The Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance’, in the framework of the European Research Council Agreement No. 284316, PI: Professor Anneli Albi (Kent Law School, Eliot College, University of Kent, Canterbury, CT2 7NS, United Kingdom), coordinator of the Hungarian research team
  • 2014. Changes of Cardinal (Two-Thirds Majority) Laws in Hungary 2010-2014 (HU) https://jog.tk.mta.hu/sarkalatos-atalakulasok
  • 2013-2017. „Procedural Constitutionalism” K-109319 OTKA, (HU) PI: Petrétei, József, role: senior researcher
  • 2012-2015, Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Science, research project: Business and human rights
  • 2012-2013 ‘Eastern Europe and Judicial Dialogue on International Law’ (PI: Prof. Anna Wyrozumska, University of Lodz) Project 10-ECRP-028 – International Law through the National Prism: the Impact of Judicial Dialogue, role: researcher
  • 2008-2011. Jean Monnet Chair, Teaching European Constitutionality, Chair holder (LLP 2007-2013, Jean Monnet Programme, Project Nr 2008-2766)