Csaba Győry

Csaba Győry
Download CV Research Fellow (MTA TK JTI)
Research Interests
  • Corporate crime
  • Financial regulation
  • Comparative criminal law
  • Rule of law as a theory and social practice
Selected Publications
  • Emergency powers in a hybrid regime: the case of Hungary, The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 8:3, 329-353. (with Nyasha Weinberg)
  • The institutional context of financial fraud in a post-transition economy: The Quaestor scandal. European Journal of Criminology, 17(1), 31-49 (2020)
  • Jogi etnográfia. In: Empirikus jogi kutatások: paradigmák, módszertan, alkalmazási területek (2020)
  • A jog szociológiai kutatása. In: Empirikus jogi kutatások: paradigmák, módszertan, alkalmazási területek (2020)
  • The Comparative Political Economy of Financial Crimes and their Enforcement. The Case of Insider Trading. In.: The Routledge Handbook of White Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe. Routledge, 2015)
  • Ein pragmatischer Idealist: John Braithwaite in: Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechstreform. Vol 23. Nr. 4 (2008)