Rebeka Kiss

Rebeka Kiss
Download CV Junior Research Fellow (MTA TK PTI)
Research Interests

Legislative Studies

Selected Publications

Sebők, M., Kiss, R., Kovács, Á., (2023). The Concept and Measurement of Legislative Backsliding. Parliamentary Affairs, 76(4), 741–772.,

Sebők, M., Gárdos-Orosz, F., Kiss, R., & Járay, I. (2023). The Transparency of Constitutional Reasoning: A Text Mining Analysis of the Hungarian Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 32(3), 11–44.,

Sebők, M., Kiss, R., & Járay, I. (2023). Introducing HUNCOURT: A New Open Legal Database Covering the Decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court for Between 1990 and 2021. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 08 May, 1–34.,

Kiss, Rebeka (2020) Az önálló képviselői indítványok szerepe a törvényhozásban, in: Sebők, Miklós – Gajduschek, György – Molnár, Csaba (szerk.) A magyar jogalkotás minősége: Elmélet, mérés, eredmények, Budapest, Gondolat Kiadó, pp. 305-348.

Research Projects
  • V-Shift – The shifting global allegiences of Visegrad countries in a time of war
  • Programme Hubert Curien – Balaton research grant, 2023
  • Cooperative Doctoral Programme, 2022–2025
  • Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies - A European Research Infrastructure (OPTED)
  • Comparative Agendas Project (CAP)
  • Political and Legal Text Mining & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (poltextLAB)
  • Curia, PhD research programme, 2022/2023
  • New National Excellence Programme, 2019/2020
  • Thematic Excellence Programme, 2019/2020
  • KÖFOP-2.1.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001 “Public Service Development Establishing Good Governance" project
Work in Progress
  • The (worst) laws of the land: The concept of legislative basket cases in Central-Eastern Europe (co-author: Sebők Miklós)
  • The concept of tailor-made laws and its empirical applications (co-author: Sebők Miklós)