Dániel Oross

Dániel Oross
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Head of Research Department

Research Fellow (MTA TK PTI)
Research Interests

Political institutions and institution building, democratic innovations, political system of the Visegrad countries, electoral and voting behavior of young people, political participation, political socialization.

Research Projects

2019 - Democratic Innovations and Hungarian Parties, Principal Investigator. Centre for Socal Sciences, Institute for Political Sciences, Funding organization: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA).

2018 - Cost Action “Constitution Making and Deliberative Democracy”, MC Member, https://constdelib.com/

2016 - Participation, Representation, Partisanship. Hungarian Elections 2018, Researcher. Funding organization: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)

2012- 2014 The Hungarian Policy Agendas Project, Researcher. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Socal Sciences, Institute for Political Sciences, Department of Government and Public Policy. Funding organization: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA)

Work in Progress

Oross, D., Tap, P. (2021): Using deliberation for partisan purposes: evidence from the Hungarian National Consultation, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2021.1995335

Oross, D., Mátyás, E., Gherghina, S. (2021): Sustainability and Politics: Explaining the Emergence of the 2020 Budapest Climate Assembly. Sustainability 13 :11 p. 6100 https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116100

Oross D., Tap P.(2021): Moving online: political parties and the internal use of digital tools in Hungary, European Societies, Taylor and Francis Online, online first, https://doi.org/10.1080/14616696.2021.1943485

Oross D., Kiss G. (2021): More than just an experiment? Politicians arguments behind introducing participatory budgeting in Budapest, Acta Politica, online first, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41269-021-00223-6

Oross, D., Róna, D., Szabó, A. (2019): Who Brings the Political Change? Divergent Understandings of Politics Among Politically Active Students. In: Feischmidt, Margit; Majtényi, Balázs (eds.) The Rise of Populist Nationalism: Social Resentments and Capturing the Constitution in Hungary, Budapest, CEU Press, pp. 247-276. , 30 p.

Nagy Á., Oross D. (2018): The tradition of youth work in Hungary - the onion model In: Tanya Basarab, Filip Coussée, Howard Williamson (eds.): The history of youth work - volume 6. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg.

Oross D., Szabó A. (2017): Changing tendencies of youth political participation in Europe: evidence from four different cases In: Michael J. Breen (ed.) Values and Identities in Europe, Evidence from the European Social Survey, Routledge.