This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no 648693)
Application of EU Law in Hungary (in selected fields)
Selected Publications
Marton Varju - Mónika Papp: An Opportunity Seized or Lost? The Application of Article 47 of the Charter by Hungarian Courts In: Matteo Bonelli; Mariolina Eliantonio; Giulia Gentile (eds.): Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection, Volume 2 The National Courts’ Perspectives, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2023) pp. 89-108.
Hoffman István – Papp Mónika - Varju Márton: Can EU Law and the Right to Effective Judicial Protection Rescue Judicial Review in Hungary? EUROPEAN PUBLIC LAW 29: 3 pp. 255-274 (2023)
Varju Márton - Papp Mónika: The crisis, national economic particularism and EU law: What can we learn from the Hungarian case? COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW 53:(6) pp. 1647-1674. (2016)
Marton Varju-Mónika Papp: Member State Capitalism(s) and EU Law: Protecting Local Varieties in the Single Market In: Csongor István Nagy (ed.): World Trade and Local Public Interest, Cham: Springer, (2020) pp.95-115.
Member State Interests and EU Internal Market Law In: Varju Márton (ed.): Between compliance and particularism: Member State interests and European Union law, Cham: Springer, (2019) pp. 103-127.
Papp Mónika-Varju Márton: Hungarian Economic Patriotism and Internal Market Law: Questioning Fundamental Freedoms and Disregarding Fundamental Rights, In: Rauchegger Clara; Wallermann Anna (eds.) The Eurosceptic Challenge: National Implementation and Interpretation of EU Law, Oxford: Hart Publishing, (2019) pp. 87-106.
Papp Mónika - Varju Márton: The Crisis, Economic Patriotism in Central Europe andEU Law In: Luisa Antoniolli; Luigi Bonatti; Carlo Ruzza (eds) Highs and Lows of European Integration: Sixty Years After the Treaty of Rome, Cham: Springer, (2018) pp. 143-163.
Application of EU Competition Law by the Hungarian Judiciary: Cooperation with the ECJ and Relying on the Case Law of the ECtHR In: Almășan Adriana, Whelan Peter (eds.): The Consistent Application of EU Competition Law Substantive and Procedural Challenges. Cham: Springer (2017) pp. 255-270.
Procedural Fairness in the European Commission’s Competition Procedure. Recent Case-Law on the ECJ’s Review of Inspections In: István Csongor Nagy (ed.): The Procedural Aspects of the Application of Competition Law. Groningen: Europa Law Publishing, (2016) pp. 57-80.
Várnay Ernő- Papp Mónika: Az Európai Unió joga, Budapest: Wolters Kluwer, 2023
Hungarian Academy of Sciences- „Lendület” project. Policy Opportunities for Hungary in the European Union- the analysis of the legal framework (from 2013)
The EU legal framework for the State’s active economic engagement, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, School of Law, Derartment of Environmental and Competition Law (2013-2016)
Infringement proceedings against the Member States (OKTK A/0281/2004.)( In 2004, Head of the Project: Prof. Várnay Ernő, researchers: Varju Márton, Bartha Ildikó)