Workshop on Gossip, Reputation, and Honesty
17-18 May, 2018
Budapest, Hungary
The detailed programme of the workshop is HERE in PDF. (updated: 15th May)
Book of abstracts is available HERE. (updated: 15th May)
Keynote speakers (confirmed):
Daniel Balliet (Free University, Amsterdam, Experimental and Applied Psychology)
Francesca Giardini (University of Groningen, Department of Sociology)
Dirk Semmann (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Evolutionary Biology)
Gerben van Kleef (University of Amsterdam, Social Psychology)
Aim of the workshop:
The focus of the workshop will be the role of gossip in the building and maintenance of reputation, and the conditions under which gossip can be considered as honest communication. Participants from different scientific fields are expected to participate benefiting from the use of different methodologies (agent based models, laboratory experiments, and analysis of spontaneous informal communication).
Potential topics include:
- third-party communication
- honesty of gossip
- guarantees of spreading honest social information
- flow of gossip
- gossiping in social networks
- indirect reciprocity and cooperation
- reputation dynamics
- informal undermining and strategic gossip
- content of gossip conversations
- gossip and relational aggression
- gossip and emotions
- intimacy of gossip, sharing secrets
- gossip in organizations
- gossip in schools
- experiments on gossip, reputation, and cooperation
- gossip as small talk, social grooming
Hotel suggestions, travel information and other practical information can be found on the workshop website:
Location: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences
Budapest, Hungary
Tóth Kálmán u. 4.
Károly Takács
Szabolcs Számadó
MTA TK “Lendület” Research Center for Educational and Network Studies (RECENS)
administrative contact:
István Freigang
Supported by the Consolidator Grant (acronym: EVILTONGUE, PI: Károly Takács) of the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 648693) and by the Conference and Workshop Fund of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (NKSZ 2018_32).
The call for abstracts of the workshop is available: HERE