Success of RECENS members in Oxford

Two members of our research group, Zsófia Boda and András Vörös successfully defended their PhD thesis at University of Oxford, Nuffield College.
Two members of our research group, Zsófia Boda and András Vörös successfully defended their PhD thesis at University of Oxford, Nuffield College.
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for research fellowship at the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences in the MTA TK ”Lendület” Research Center for Educational and Network Studies (RECENS)
Closing date: 16 March, 2016
Study of our team member, Tamás Keller (Self-assessment and its effects on applications for tertiary education) has been published in the latest issue of Economic Review which is available online also following this link:
The paper of our new colleague, Szabolcs Számadó has been accepted for publication by PLOS One. The article "Deception undermines the stability of cooperation in games of indirect reciprocity" is co-authored with Ferenc Szalai and István Scheuring. Available online HERE
Thanks a lot for everyone who distributed or shared information about our calls! Till the deadline of 10 November, 2015, we have received 13 applications for our two assistant research fellowship calls. Selected applicants will be interviewed on 13 November. For further possibilities, please visit our website regularly and follow us on facebook.
The paper by András Németh and Károly Takács (2010, JTB) is in the highlights of the review by Zheng Wang et al. in the highly prestigous Physics of Life Reviews (IF = 7.478)
The article of Judit Pál, Christoph Stadtfeld, André Grow, and Károly Takács is available online at the Journal of Research on Adolescence:
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for assistant research fellowships at RECENS (EVILTONGUE 2015/2)
Deadline: 10 November, 2015.
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS for assistant research fellowships at RECENS (EVILTONGUE 2015/1)
Deadline: 10 November, 2015.
István Freigang has joined RECENS from 1 September 2015 as a project manager and research assistant.